Covenant Chain Link IX – ReconciliACTION

October 19, 2018 – Ottawa
CCL-IX Kairos’ Healing & Reconciliation group held its 9th Covenant Chain Link activity in Ottawa this October. The theme was Reconciliation in Action OR ReconciliACTION.

The event itself was a 2-day event, but the first day (October 19th) was open to youth from across the region. Over 80 people attended and were treated to a remarkable day.

After an official opening by the Committee Chair, Master of Ceremonies, and Elders, the floor was turned over to the keynote speaker Theland Kicknosway. Theland is a 15-year old, Grade 10 student who had just returned from a presentation to the UN in Geneva, and came to CCL-IX to share his thoughts about reconciliation. Afterwards, he called on volunteers to come and learn the basics of Hoop Dancing.

Afterwards, participants broke into smaller groups and attended different workshops where they learned more about Indigenous peoples, treaties, or could do a Blanket Exercise which had been developed by youth from Cornwall!

A fun time for all – and an event that will be repeated in 2019!

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