Books & More

Recommended Book Resources

    • DeVRIES, Mark. Sustainable Youth Ministry. ISBN: 978-83083-3361-0.2008
      “In Sustainable Youth Ministry, Mark DeVries presents a systems approach to youth ministry. Too many churches focus on short-term numbers, which pushes them toward superstar youth pastors and amped-up programs. Sustainable youth ministry focuses on a leadership team that builds relationships among youth and between youth and the entire congregation. Before hiring a new youth minister, the pastor and board members should read this book.”–George P. Wood, AGThinkTank (, March 2009 (from
    • DeVRIES,Mark. Family-Based Youth Ministry. ISBN: 878-0-8308-3243-9.2004.
      “Welcome to the book that put family-based youth ministry on the map. Mark DeVries–as only he can do it–points out that the task of nurturing faith belongs to the family, not the youth group, and the sooner the church becomes an ‘extended’ family for young people, the better chance youth have of becoming mature Christian adults. With the wisdom of a pastor, the insight of a theologian, the sympathy of a parent and the humor of your favorite youth counselor, Family-Based Youth Ministry makes gracious, thoughtful ministry look second-nature. If only we had all read it sooner.”–Kenda Creasy Dean, Associate Professor of Youth, Church and Culture, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Director, Tennent School of Christian Education (from
    • ROOT, Andrew. Taking the Cross to Youth Ministry. ISBN: 978-0310670780.2012.
      “Andrew Root has undertaken the arduous task of writing a four-volume theology for youth ministry. Youth workers everywhere will benefit from Root’s meticulous study by reading these four works and journeying with Root and his fictional narrative of a young female youth worker, Nadia.” This title is volume 2. (from Amazon/Joseph T. Cochran’s comments, Andrew Root has written many terrific books on youth ministry.

Recommended Digital Resources

ALLISON, Travis. Building a Smart House: Social Media and Tech Tools for Youth Ministry. 2018.
Prepared for Canada Youth 2018, this online resource provides links to different resources such as:
– Current research on kids / teens and social media
– Remedial information on social networking apps
– Youth-positive articles on the value of social media tools
– Resources and Useful things.
Online resource

TAPSCOTT, Don. Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World. ISBN: 978-007150863.2008
“A MUST READ … if you understand the Net Generation, you will understand the future.” (from Amazon/The New York Times”(”

If you know of other resources that you have found useful, please let Rev. Cheryl know.