Past Events

These pages are for the Presbyterian youth in the area (Ottawa, Lanark, & Seaway-Glengarry presbyteries). If you have photos from recent events that you would like to share and have permission to share them online, then send them to us so we can post them here.

Here are some of the events we have done over the past few years:

    • 2021 Events
      – Monthly Coffee Houses
      – Winterlude 2021 – “Share Your Voice / Share Your Dream”
      – Heaven’s Kitchen
    • 2020 Events
      – Winterlude 2020 – What Direction Are You Going?
      – Leading with Care via Zoom
      – Monthly “Town Halls”
    • 2019 Events
      – Hallowe’en 2019 – St. Stephen’s Hallowe’en Event
      – CE & Yow Workshop
      – Winterlude 2019
    • 2018 Events
      – Winterlude 2018
      – Spring Youth Retreat
      – Canada Youth 2018
      – Strategic Planning / Planning for Effectiveness
      – Leading with Care
      – Covenant Chain Link IX – ReconciliACTION
      – Youth Leaders: Meet-‘n-Greet
      – Christmas in the Stable