Fundraising Ideas

Wondering how to raise money for special events or projects? Check some of the suggestions listed on these pages (yes, more than one) for ideas that others have done.

Communion Sundays


On Communion Sundays, I arrange for a luncheon that the youth prepare and serve.

The lunch consists of soup, bun, veggie trays, cheese trays and desserts. (Sometimes, we will have tortilla chips and salsa on the platter as well). We ask for desserts from parents.

Cost: Free-will offering. We deduct the cost of the food, and often make between $80.00 and $200.00.

The event can also be used as an example of servitude and fellowship.

Partnering with Boston Pizza

Boston Pizza Logo

Boston Pizza has multiple programs that you can partner with them on.

One of the simplest that I did was to invite the Congregation to eat at Boston Pizza after service on a specific Sunday afternoon.(Kids eat free on Sundays).

  1. – On that specific Sunday afternoon, youth – in their church T-shirts – would assist the servers with taking the orders and delivering the drinks.
  2. – People going to Boston Pizza would have to mention they were there because of the church fundraiser.
  3. – At the end of the day, Boston Pizza will cut a cheque for 10% of the sales (only those which mention the Church and excluding alcoholic beverages). When St. John’s held the event,we received over $ 100.00 for 2 hours of work.

Another Boston Pizza partnership: The most lucrative offer Boston Pizza has is to sell $20 tickets for a Monday evening in the bar with unlimited pizza:

For each ticket sold, $10 goes to the Church and the balance to Boston Pizza. This is a great event for young couples looking for an outing. If you sell out the bar side, you can raise a great amount of $$. Boston Pizza is counting on the alcohol sales from this one.

Still other Boston Pizza partnerships: Boston Pizza also has programs where youth assist the servers and the equivalent of the dollars earned be given as pizzas. For example:

  1. – Do a Boston Pizza fundraiser, helping the servers, and then Boston Pizza will allow you to sell tickets to another event e.g., Legion dinner, Knights of Columbus dinner, evening at the Church, etc.
  2. – Have a pizza night at the church. Charge $2 a slice.
  3. – Arrange for a pizza party where the youth make their own pizzas (no $$ but lots of fun!).

Partnering with the Legion*

Legion Logo

Most Legions do a chicken or spaghetti dinner. Some ask for a security deposit of $100.00. They purchase the food and have a cook prepare it. They also bill for paying the cook and dishwasher – this is non-negotiable and required by health inspectors.

They ask for about 10 volunteers for the day of the dinner (youth, parents, other adults). The volunteers set and clear tables, serve food, and help the dishwater.

A chicken dinner with all the fixings (mashed potatoes, vegetable, gravy, bun, coffee/tea) should cost the public $15.00. Profit margin can vary but is usually around 45%. Ask about your group bringing in dessert or salads.

Advertising. Advertising the event on a local cable channel is free; advertising in a local paper with upcoming events is also free. You can also advertise for free in church bulletins (your own and those of neighbouring churches).

Advance Sales. Advance ticket sales are best as the Legion must know numbers one week before the event so they can order the food. Make sure you include the volunteers in your numbers.

The Legion will also sell tickets for you. If you have the event Sunday after church, they may have many of their own members attending too.

NoteLegions do not do fundraisers after May 15th as they are heading into their busy season.

*You might try Knights of Columbus, the Rotary Club or other service groups in addition to the Legion.

More Fundraising Ideas