Youth Organizations

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians that we do not live in isolation from one another, nor are we meant to.

Together, we are the body of Christ. Each of us has special gifts that are needed to build up Christ’s body on earth – the Church.

Youth leaders tend to work pretty much on their own. That’s one reason why they tend to burn out. But they are not alone. We are here to support you in your ministry, and to connect you to other organizations that may have programs and events that might be of interest.

Here are a few in the Ottawa and Seaway-Glengarry presbyteries. If you know of others that should be advertised, please let Rev. Cheryl know.

The Exousia Network

Exousia Logo

The Exousia Network is a “supportive network of church and parachurch staff and volunteers”, committed “to the spiritual transformation of Ottawa region through the continual development of relevant, radical youth ministry.”

Their motto is To serve, encourage and equip, and they meet on the second Thursday of each month to pray, talk and coordinate their efforts.

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Faith & Arts Ottawa

This mission of the United Church of Canada brings spirituality and creativity together through the imaginative exploration of both Faith and the Arts.

Faith and Arts Ottawa is grounded in the Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus but also believes it is important to talk with and listen to ALL our neighbours, especially those whose beliefs are different.

We believe that: “every human being is creative and has something important to add to the community“.

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Love Ottawa

Love Ottawa LogoLove Ottawa’s mandate is to bring Jesus to the City and the City to Jesus.

The core team prayerfully networks pastors and leaders, encourages missional efforts, and supports collaborative, consultative teams passionate to reaching out to our city.

Past activities include Rock the Capital youth evangelistic event; Dig and Delve apologetics conference; The Big GiveFriends for Dinner outreach program; prayer events; and so much more.

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OneWay Ministries Ottawa

One Way Ministries

OneWay Ministries Ottawa strives to reach the city by serving the leaders.

John 17:22 is the guiding Scripture for this organization which seeks to “invest deeply in the lives of Kingdom leaders”

Community is so important but often leaders feel isolated. OneWay Ministries is committed to a personal ministry, being friends and partners in ministry and facilitating safe places where leaders can voice and explore their own struggles and dreams, supported by a community of faith and prayer.

Among its initiatives: Link OttawaLift OttawaYield OttawaLove Ottawa; and Pray Ottawa.

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Spur Ottawa

Spur logo

Spur Ottawa strives to tell the story of the broader Body of Christ in the Ottawa region.

Its goal is “to promote unity and foster collaboration by telling stories that will ‘spur believers on’ to exalt Christ and pursue his kingdom.” The stories we read and share enable us to help “spread the word of what God is up to and how we all can be engaged.”

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Student Christian Movement Canada (SCM)

SCM Logo

The SCM mandate is Radical Faith in Action – Community in Diversity.

This student organization welcomes people of many beliefs and faiths but is Christian in that it explores and challenges the the Christian tradition. It is centered on the teachings of the revolutionary Jesus.

The SCM strives to be a healing community, and to discern God’s will for the world and our role in it.

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Youth for Christ Canada / Youth Unlimited

YFC / Youth Unlimited

Youth for Christ Canada (YFC Canada) does not have a chapter in Ottawa, but is very active in the Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry. Its focus is on the youth and on sharing the Gospel with them while seeing the hope and potential of every young person.

YFC began in the 1940s as the hunger for God’s Word grew. Billy Graham became YFC’s first full-time staff member. Over the years, YFC has turned its focus on teenagers – and specifically on ways to reach unchurched teenagers.

YFC imparts God’s love, truth and hope to young people wherever they come from, and whatever their race, faith, culture, or socio-economic level.

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