Canada Youth 2018 – Stirred, Not Shaken

July 2-7, 2018

CY 2018 Poster

From July 2-7 youth and youth leaders from across Canada gathered together at Brock University in St. Catharines for a week of worship, fun, and learning. We were blessed also by having a number of youth and their leaders from Ghana, Malawi, Taiwan, and Lebanon. This year’s theme was Stirred, Not Shaken.

A bus-load of our own youth and youth leaders from across the Synod of Eastern Ontario and Quebec (as well as a number who took the train) were among the many attendees. We signed up for one of the four tracks: Youth Track (grades 9 and up); Discipleship Track (ages 19-25); Youth Ministry Training Track; and Next Track (for congregational leadership).

The weather was hot but that didn’t stop us from doing a number of activities, worshipping, learning, eating, and generally having fun.
