2021 Events

The pandemic continues with its lockdowns and social restrictions. All our events were virtual this year. While we organized and sponsored the events found on this page, we also advertised other youth and youth-leader events that were organized by other groups.

Coffee Houses (Monthly)

Coffee House

Several “virtual coffee houses” for youth leaders, Sunday School teachers & others were held over the past year – more or less on a monthly basis except for summer months.

The theme has varied from learning about Trivia Games and ways to create online quizzes shows to learning about available resources. The November theme was getting ready for Advent, and included links to resources that Emily Hill, the Education Program Coordinator from National Office, had shown in her workshop, Advent Resources for Families: Journey towards Christmas.

Winterlude 2021 – Share Your Voice, Share Your Dream (February)

Winterlude 2021 PosterThis year’s Winterlude event was completely virtual; it was also different in that we asked the youth for ideas about how the church could “build back better”. Building on the traffic light imagery of “Stop-Start-Continue”, we asked three questions for them to consider:

1 – What did they like the church and wanted us to keep doing? (Continue)
2 – What did they want the church to start doing? (Start)
3 – What did they want the church to stop doing? (Stop)

We then asked them, and youth leaders throughout the presbytery, to create a short video with their ideas. The video was presented at the June meetings of the Presbytery of Ottawa and Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry. Since the video involved youth, we have not made it publicly available.

Heaven’s Kitchen (November)

This year’s Presbytery-wide Fall Youth event is a hybrid event.

Part 1 was an In-Person Event with youth doing things in-person at home or in their congregations, then submitting their creations by November 6.

  • Part 2 was a Virtual Event, November 21st @ 4:00 p.m. when we came together to see what youth created!

Here are some photos from our event:

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