Presbyterians sharing with World Vision

I do not always find myself in agreement with the points made by the Editor and Publisher of the Record. There are however, two instances in the December issue where I find myself in full agreement with his position and his action. The first is his editorial Hospitality For Strangers Isn't Optional. The second being his action in including the World Vision material with the Record.

David Harris is on the leading edge with his sharp analysis in his discussion of the actions of the Minister of Immigration Ms. Judy Sgro. I think it would be useful if every Presbyterian were to read the article again, meditate upon it, let it sink in and then take the appropriate action with their Members of Parliament. If we let this issue pass without a strong Christian response, what next will be lost?

I can't understand the objection to sending the World Vision material with the Record. If there was no objection to accepting their advertising, I ask "what is the issue in sending out the material with the Record?" Is one action less ethical or less acceptable than the other? I ask, "What do you do with the World Vision material that comes to you by regular mail?" Do we read it and respond by throwing it out or giving to the cause?

One could carry this argument on to the point where we might question the advertising placed in the Record by Toronto School of Theology or the Canadian Mennonite University. Exposure to differing points of views and approaches is good. The same kind of thinking should be applied to World Vision.

If the issue is that PWS&D does not have a glitzy advertising plan then that is the issue to be addressed. World Vision is a Christian based organization and it will not disappear if we do not accept their advertising. If the PCC has chosen to go low profile that is not the problem of World Vision.

The Editor of the Record is put in a difficult position. Let us not take off his kneecaps because we disagree with his actions. I don't find his action in any way compromising with the Devil. I hope that the board of directors fully supports his action.

About Garnet Schenk, Gravenhurst, Ont.