
A story in the March issue on executive salary increases at the church's national offices should have noted that pay raises for associate secretaries slated to begin next January are contingent upon acceptance of a proposal from Assembly Council to General Assembly that would cement responsibility for setting national staff compensation with the council.
Council's mandate already includes coordinating budgets, recommending policy and "final responsibility in matters financial under the authority of the General Assembly." Council has acknowledged assembly's right to have the final word, but supports its mandate to handle such financial matters on its own. To clarify the relationship between the two bodies, a task force was created to work on a policy document for guidance in such matters. The policy will be presented to this year's assembly.
The original article also neglected to mention that Rev. George Malcolm is convener of the Assembly Council.
Since last month's story, the board of directors of the Presbyterian Record Inc. voted at the March annual meeting to continue precedent and match executive pay to that of general secretaries.