Colleges grant honourary doctrates

Knox College will be bestowing an honourary Doctor of Divinity degree upon Rev. Rick Fee at its 161 convocation on May 11. A graduate of Knox in 1976, Fee is the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and director of Presbyterian World Service & Development. The ceremony will take place at the University of Toronto's convocation hall, where Rev. Gordon Fish will also be honoured for his 41 years of service to the Presbyterian church. Graduating Knox in 1960, Fish's focus has been on ministry in the media. He sat on the Religious Advisory Committee for CFTO television, and filmed and appeared on several religious TV series.
A special ceremony on March 7 bestowed the honourary doctorate upon Dr. Alison Elliot, Moderator of the Church of Scotland. The first female and second lay person to hold the position, Elliot was in Toronto in March where she visited church offices, spoke at Knox College and helped St. Andrew's, King Street celebrate its 175 anniversary.
The Presbyterian College, Montreal, will grant an honourary Doctor of Divinity to Rev. Dr. J.H. (Hans) Kouwenberg at its 138 convocation May 12. Kouwenberg is senior minister of Calvin Church, Abbotsford, British Columbia, and convener of the Board of St. Andrew's Hall, Vancouver. The ceremony will take place at the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul. Knox College principal, Rev. Dr. J. Dorcas Gordon, will be the speaker.
St. Andrew's Hall, Vancouver School of Theology, will hold its 34 convocation on May 9 at Shaughnessy Heights United Church. This year marks the 20th anniversary of VST's native ministries degree program, and the ceremony will honour two of the people who were crucial to its formation. Honourary degrees will be given to the Ven. Ian Mackenzie, a previous director of the program and Rev. Dr. Cecil Corbett, a long-time member of the native ministries consortium. Rev. Dr. Martin Brokenleg, current director of the native ministries program, will be the guest speaker.