A nurse in a church

I am writing to thank the Record and Amy Cameron for an excellent article on parish nursing in March. However, I would like to make one correction. The article stated that parish nursing began in Canada "as early as 1992". In actual fact, Barbara Caiger, RN, began her role as a "nurse in a church" (parish nurse) at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill, Ont., in 1988. It was close to the time that the Reverend Granger Westburg started to develop his concept of parish nursing in the United States and well before any word of it had strayed north of the border. Barbara Gaiger served in this role from 1988 until her retirement at the end of 2003. She is currently completing a book that comprises her collected wisdom from this experience. It will be available in the next few months, and is a valuable resource for anyone interested in this ministry.

About Margaret E. Black, RN, EdD, PN,
Tri-Congregational Parish
Nursing Ministry
North York, Ont.