A rainbow of faith traditions support same-sex marriage

A multi-faith coalition held a news conference in April to voice its support of same-sex civil marriage. "It is essential that politicians recognize the diversity of views that exist within faith communities," said the Religious Coalition for Equal Marriage Rights, which includes Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Quakers, Sikhs and Unitarians. Presbyterians are not part of this group.
The conference dovetailed with several multi-faith rallies held across Canada to support Bill C-38. "We want to dispel the myth that if you are a person of faith, you must be opposed to same-sex marriage," said Richard Chambers of the United Church of Canada.
Coalition members believe the issue is one of human rights, and that same-sex marriage should be available to all. However, they fully support the right of faith communities to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
Freedom of religion cannot come at the cost of limiting the rights of other groups," said Tarek Fatah of the Muslim Canadian Congress. — AM