Not losing lost Presbyterians

This letter is in response to Brand Power, Searching For Lost Presbyterians in the March issue. The Presbyterian Church in Canada will not find lost members as long as we keep striking them from our rolls. Where do you think they will go when they are ready to return to a church? It sure won't be a Presbyterian church. Many young people today are active in many places doing good where they can. Many of the people are still dedicated Christians and doing the Lord's work in their own quiet way. Possibly when their lives are less stressed they will return to a church with many good years left to serve. Once a child is baptized we cannot undo their baptism, likewise we cannot undo the profession of faith between them and their God.
Why then can we not simply have a roll of inactive members, keep in touch with them with newsletters or advertisements of functions while keeping them constantly in our prayers? When and if these members return they can then be put back on our roll of active members.
The churches of course would be responsible to pay dues for active members only. If we want to find lost Presbyterians let's not lose them to begin with.

About Frances Johnson,
Ridgeville, Ont.