Aiming to end child poverty


Canada's relief and aid community is joining with 50 other countries to help Make Poverty History. The international campaign is supported by the Presbyterian Church through Presbyterian World Service & Development. The campaign has three themes: More and Better Aid, Make Trade Fair and Cancel the Debt. Canada has added the theme of End Child Poverty.
Micah Challenge Canada, a broad association of Christian agencies, including the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, is rallying for a similar cause. It issued a letter to the prime minister in June, urging stronger action to reduce global poverty, including cancelling 100 per cent of debt owed by the world's poorest countries. The two initiatives are asking Canada to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals adopted by all United Nations member countries in 2000.
The campaigns coincide with several world events regarding foreign aid and international commerce. The G8 Summit will meet in July, the UN Millennium Summit in September and the World Trade Organization's Conference in December.
To show their support for making poverty history, Canadians are wearing white bands, which can be obtained through PWS&D. They can be ordered in large numbers if congregations want to launch their own projects in support of the cause. Contact PWS&D at 1-800-619-7301 for more ways to get involved.