Housing is not salary

A request to include housing allowance in maternity/paternity leave benefits was denied by General Assembly, which argued the current policy is sufficient. Difficulties revolve around the definition of salary, which, as the Pension and Benefits Board contends, is defined by stipend alone. The federal government provides unemployment benefits based on salary.
The national church provides a topup to government benefits that equals 95 per cent of stipend. The presbytery believes this income top-up should apply to stipend plus housing allowances.
The decision responded to a 2004 petition from the Presbytery of Hamilton regarding the interpretation of the maternity policy as it relates to Rev. Susan Kerr. The petition was referred to the Pension and Benefits Board, in consultation with Assembly Council and the Life and Mission Agency.
Problems lie in who is responsible for maintaining a minister's housing costs while she/he is on maternity/parental leave. Additional pressure is put on congregations that must provide housing allowances for its permanent minister, as well as any supply they secure during the interim. The Pension Board maintains this is the congregation's responsibility. (See the January 2004 Record for further detail.)
The Board reiterated that its actions have followed this policy correctly, but it has begun a further review of the policy to consider whether it is fair and just to all concerned. It may report its findings to a future assembly.
Maternity/Parental Leaves Policy and Procedures and Resources Handbook was created by the Pension and Benefits Board and approved by Assembly Council in response to an overture from 2003. It is available on request from the Pension office.