Post-tsunami work continues

The Presbyterian Church is part of the fourth largest tsunami aid project approved by the Canadian government in its tsunami matching funds program. According to the Canadian International Development Agency's website, the project in India is only surpassed by efforts led by the three aid giants — Red Cross, World Vision and UNICEF.
Working with the United Church of Canada, the Mennonite Central Committee and the Anglican Church of Canada, Presbyterian World Service & Development submitted the $6 million proposal to the government to use the matching funds to help rebuild three villages near Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu, India, through Action by Churches Together.
The four churches also contributed $3 million to ACT for efforts in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand. Focus has moved to longer-term rehabilitation projects such as establishing mobile clinics, clean water and sanitation programs, temporary schools, offering trauma counselling and providing seeds, tools and fishing equipment.
Presbyterians contributed more than $1.3 million to PWS&D's tsunami appeal, with an additional $747,956 in matching funds from the Canadian government. This enabled the church's relief agency to give more than $2 million towards tsunami relief and rehabilitation.