Recognizing sin as sin

What the Presbytery of East Toronto is doing in their overture to the General Assembly (March) is utter rebellion against Holy Scripture. By the overture to the General Assembly to "establish a committee that will study same-sex marriage" for a period of two years, before "reporting back" to Assembly, is merely an attempt by disobedient ministers and elders to open the door for a carte blanche acceptance of all forms of homosexual practice within the Presbyterian Church in Canada. I am so sad for those average lay people who want to trust ministers and representative elders, but whose trust is being continually, and intentionally, betrayed.
Those ministers and elders in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, who continue to encourage sinful lifestyles, are forcing those of us who recognize sin as sin to make an Elijah decision. We have to repent and seek God's mercy, or the Presbyterian Church, as we now experience it, will continue to be judged by the Lord Jesus Christ, until there is no "Presbyterian" church left.

About Rev. Ron Benty
Creston, B.C.