Thoughts on disobedient ministers

Re. Rev. Ron Benty's letter Recognizing Sin As Sin, July/August
I have always looked to my church as a place of refuge from the judgmental world that we confront each and every day. A place where everyone who wishes to deepen their spiritual health and Christian understanding is welcome. Benty's letter presents a dark side of organized religion — the side that harbours self-righteous individuals who are quick to judge and unwilling to engage in a process that may very well prove enriching for all individuals regardless of where you stand on the issue of same sex-marriage.
I had the privilege of being the lay representative on the task force from the Presbytery of East Toronto that recommended an overture be presented to the General Assembly. Benty described the overture as "an attempt by disobedient ministers and elders." His description could not be further from the truth. The overture was made with respect for the church's current definition of marriage as well as respect for those in our congregations who feel silenced and would like the matter to be reviewed in a safe and supportive environment.
Benty cannot be denied his desire to protect the church as he now experiences it but I continue to hope that the church will grow and thrive by opening doors to discuss issues that challenge us all in a safe and supportive manner rather than locking those doors in fear.

About Leslie Bruce-McCallum, Toronto