More prayer, fewer committees


In the April Record Ms. Eileen Shaw of Hamilton said in a letter that we need a more openness to worship and prayer. I agree with her on this point because when we open our hearts and minds in worship, we automatically become closer to Jesus Christ.
Now there is one thing that really bothers me: should a change take place in our worship, will we automatically start up yet another committee for change, because this will burn out the people who are already on committees or will we automatically go to prayer?
Now prayer is defined as a solemn and humble approach to the divinity in word or thought which involves "petition, confession, praise and thanksgiving" (Webster's). So, let us forget all these committees and have everyone in the church start a prayer group. This way we would get to know everyone in the church.
Now there will be some people who are not interested in prayer so it would be up to the others in church to up-hold the people who do not want to attend. We humans forget that God holds all the power in His hands. Only God can make the changes in the churches; but we must be the instruments of that work.
Now, I find the new hymnbook difficult to sing and worship from. When you sing a hymn it should be done with an attitude of prayer and whether the hymns be fast paced or slow, we are still worshipping God. But, it is hard to worship God when you are trying to stumble through the words and music.
Another thing we are lacking is sermons on salvation, justification and sanctification. I heard a sermon one time about the floors of the church and the generations that either walked down the aisle or wheeled down the aisle. True it is nice to have a story once in a while, but we must face reality.
Prayers are not allowed in many schools and people in hospitals sometimes don't have a bible in the drawer. The world is on a course with Satan.
I give thanks to God for the Roman Catholic school system which still believes in prayers and supplication. Our televisions, media and radio are full of sex, and drugs yet where is the church and even more, where are we? Parents think it is more important to get little Timmy to the skating rink on Sunday rather than to Sunday school.
Also there should be preaching about Christ's second coming because Jesus stated when he went to the cross, he would return. Or do we just reserve that particular statement for Easter?
In conclusion, we look at two types of Christians. Those who have given their lives to Jesus Christ through salvation and those who only go to church on Sunday. Something to think about.