Same-sex marriage minister punished

A minister of the Reformed Church in America was found guilty and punished for presiding over the marriage of his daughter to another woman. Rev. Dr. Norman Kansfield, 65, was tried at the RCA's General Synod in June and was fired from his teaching post and suspended from the office of minister until he repents for his actions.
Kansfield married his daughter only days after the 2004 General Synod adopted a resolution affirming that marriage is between one man and one woman. He was found guilty of contradicting the church's position, contradicting his ordination vows and violating his vows as a professor of theology at New Brunswick Seminary in New Jersey.
Speaking in his own defence, Kansfield said, "Where synod has made things binding, I have been willing to submit. [On the issue of gay marriage] synod has offered advice to us." His lawyer argued that General Synod has not officially ruled that ministers cannot preside over same-sex marriages, and the notion of discipline for a violation was not stated at previous synods.
General Synod also discussed making changes to its Book of Church Order, making clear the restrictions on ministers and same-sex marriage, but the changes were denied in favour of a period of denomination-wide discussion on the matter. – with files from The Church Herald