Dancing Fee

On the weekend of May 28, Durham Presbyterian celebrated its 150th anniversary. We were honoured to have then-Moderator Rev. Richard Fee attend these celebrations.
His message was relevant and meaningful and he took part in our events with enthusiasm and pleasure. This could not be more evidenced than during our Saturday evening entertainment. When a little dancing girl named Megan interrupted his speech, Mr. Fee joined in the dancing. When we needed an extra gentleman to take part in our fashion show celebrating the past 150 years, he became a fashion model. For the weekend, he was part of our congregation as we celebrated our life as a church family.
This is the way it should always be. All of us should rejoice for every congregation in Canada and the world as we seek to learn more about our Lord and spread the Word to others. We truly are one family of God.
Thank you Mr. Fee for your participation in this special event in our church's history.

About Wendy McConnell
Durham, Ont.