Kitchener recovers after loss

Losing a minister is never easy. Losing three is even worse. That's exactly what happened at St. Andrew's, Kitchener, Ont. Despite the setback, the congregation is regaining its footing and looking to the future. "The dust has settled, people got to speak their minds and got questions out of their hearts," said Rev. Aubrey Botha, interim moderator. "They're ready to move on; to start being new and doing new things. They're very excited."
After the senior and two associate ministers had their pastoral ties severed in September 2004, shock and sadness wove through the pews. The change was too much for some, with a few parishioners leaving. Today, with a weekly attendance of about 550, the church is looking for a new full-time minister to replace interim minister Rev. Vernon Tozer. "The most important thing right now for them is to get a bit more permanency back," said Botha.
The congregation completed a two-day strategic planning session, looking forward to the next three years. Botha said he hopes to have at least one new minister in place sometime in the early part of 2006. – AM