Sunday spiritually charged

Re. Andrew Faiz' Sunday Morning Dysfunction, July/August.
Is he serious, or is this some kind of joke?
If the church Mr. Faiz attends is so dysfunctional that he does not feel there is value in Sunday morning service, then maybe he should try going to a different church, either within the same denomination or with a different denomination. For myself, I LOVE Sunday morning service and I get a tremendous spiritual charge from it, and I know others do too. Church service (singing, praying, sermons and anything else that takes place in the service) should be all about worshipping God, and if you are questioning the value of that, then I question whether you are a Christian.
This will only encourage non-believers to stay away from church. They will say, even some Christians question the value of their own church service.

About Alasdair Coats
Canmore, Alta.