Trendy newfangled notions

In response to David Campbell's September letter: Nobody needs to revert to the Holiness Code in Leviticus to find support for traditional ethical precepts. There are sufficient texts in the New Testament to support conservative views on homosexual practice, same-sex marriage, etc. The Greek word porneia covers all unacceptable sexual behaviour. Jesus clearly defined marriage for us: Mt. 19:5. This is nothing to chuckle about.
The trouble with the Presbyterian church is not that she has regressed into conservatism, but that she has begun toying with the trendy newfangled notions of gay marriage and gay ordination as we read occasionally in the Record.
This is the reason (among others) for the declining membership, as happened to the United Church, "a denomination shrinking away before our eyes." By contrast, it is the conservative denominations that preserve "the faith once delivered to the saints" (Jude 3), that thrive and prosper. These are the facts, which Campbell totally ignores.

About Rev. H.L. Wipprecht
Cobalt, Ont.