Fool for the King


For the message of the cross is foolish to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. – 1 Corinthians 1:18

In my first year of university, I was really taken up by all that was happening around me. Luckily, having been a counsellor at Circle Square Ranch for a summer, I was able to straighten myself before I got into anything that I would have regretted. In my second year at university, I started teaching Sunday school in a town about an hour's drive from my university. This took a lot of my time on Sundays. I would leave at about 7:30 and get back well after noon. This kept me in on Saturday nights as well because I needed to be well rested for the following morning. My friends would bug me about this. One even said, "You spent the summer with God, the school year is for you." I tried to laugh it off, and said something back to him about how if I put in the effort throughout the year, then God would reward the "Please God, let me pass this exam" prayers come finals.
In my third year of university, I moved out of residence and into a house with five other people. Getting away from residence life and all that it brought was good for me. I started teaching Sunday School in town and got more involved with the local church. I started attending an Athletes in Action Bible study at a friend's house, which I really enjoyed. My roommates were cool with me going to church, but when they found out that I was going to Bible study, to actually learn about the Bible, they started teasing me. They didn't really understand what I was doing learning about the Bible on a Thursday night.
As the semester progressed, I felt myself being called to do more in my church. I realized we needed a Bible study. I decided to host a ladies' Bible study group in my house. When I told my roommates, I really felt foolish. And of course, they teased me. But eventually, they warmed up to the idea. None of them actually came to it, but they did start asking questions. Maybe the whole time I was being called for my roommates and not for my church.
It's funny now, to look back on those things, and realize how embarrassed I was. Going to church or to Bible study, I would try to hide my Bible so no one knew what I was carrying. I was terrified that someone would point to me and laugh: "there goes little church girl with her Bible to her churchy things." I'm not sure what this year is going to bring. I know there is something else that will come up and make me feel foolish. To those who aren't saved, a lot of what we do looks foolish. But this time, I am going to hold my head up, not hide my Bible, and proudly tell my friends where I am going and what I am doing. Who knows? Maybe their questions will turn into them coming to church with me, and hopefully, someday, I'll help them become fools for the King.