God's loving purpose

As a happily married heterosexual woman without children, I am offended by the argument that marriage without children is not really marriage. Michael Coren (October) uses this argument to oppose same sex marriage. He writes, "Sex between people of the same gender can by its very nature never result in new life and is in the final analysis a selfish act. . . and never a means to that most glorious of ends, God-given life."
Sex between people of the opposite gender may not result in new life either, whether because of age, infertility or other reasons. It is hurtful to suggest that such activity in a loving marriage relationship is "selfish." I like Living Faith's approach better: "We have been made male and female for our mutual help, comfort and joy. Our creation as sexual beings is God's loving purpose for us." It doesn't say anything about the necessity of having children in order to fulfill that purpose. While children are undoubtedly a wonderful gift of God and, of course, provide a future for humankind, please let's not make childless couples second-class citizens.