More religion, please

An Ipsos-Reid survey for the Centre for Faith and the Media has found that Canadians are tired of fluff on TV and in our newspapers. Apparently, we're craving something a bit more meaty…

  • 27% of Canadians say that faith and religion have too little coverage in the media. A full 49% feel that there is the right amount of coverage of issues relating to faith and religion while 21% believes that there is too much.
  • Men were more likely than women (26% versus 16%) to feel that there was too much coverage of faith and religion in the media.
  • 22% would like to see more business and analysis in media coverage. 62% feel that there is about the right amount. Only 13% feel there is more than they'd like in the news.
  • Of those polled, people aged 18-55 were more likely to say that there should be more coverage of business and analysis.
  • 42% of Canadians say that there is too much about entertainment in the media. Only 9% feel that there could be more entertainment news.
  • While 52% believe that sports have about the right amount of coverage, 38% indicate that there is too much in the news.

(The Ipsos-Reid poll was conducted from April 5-7, 2005, and surveyed 1,000 randomly selected adult Canadians. National results are considered accurate to within 3.1 percentage points.)