Church supports federal native settlement

The Presbyterian Church welcomed a federal announcement in late November to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which will be guided by principles established by a 1998-99 working group that explored the issue, and a financial package that will give $10,000 to every former student of Indian residential schools and an additional $3,000 for each year of attendance after the first. The deal was part of a series of initiatives to address the need for compensation and resolution in a comprehensive, fair and just manner.
The Presbyterian Church, along with the United and Anglican Churches and 41 Roman Catholic bodies, signed the agreement in principle, along with the Assembly of First Nations, former students and the federal government.
"The announced Truth and Reconciliation Commission has the potential to be a powerful public way of dealing with the truth by hearing directly from those affected by the legacy of residential schools. The Presbyterian Church looks forward to sharing in this process," said Rev. Stephen Kendall, principal clerk, in a news release.
The original Truth and Reconciliation Commission was assembled in South Africa in 1995, following the end of apartheid. The commission was mandated to bear witness to and record victim stories.
In addition to the $1.9 billion for former students, the agreement permits former students who are now 65 or older to apply for an advance payment of $8,000. It also says $125 million will be added to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, an additional $10 million invested in the existing commemoration program and $60 million given to the truth and reconciliation process.
The 2003 settlement with the federal government limited the Presbyterian Church's liability to $2.1 million and said all denominations will be treated equally. The Anglican Church has said a recent agreement with the Roman Catholics is more favourable than the one they agreed to in 2002 and has notified the federal government that it is invoking the clause to have the same terms. The PCC will begin its re-negotiation process shortly. – AM