Report From A Leaky Boat


The artist has placed herself in the middle of this leaky boat. "There is an underlying questioning and examining of my own life and the life of my close friends and the direction of our journey," she says. Inspired, in part, by Ship of Fools by Hieronymus Bosch, the painting is filled with many biblical allusions. Note the Alpha and Omega on the sails. On the piece of paper in the bottom right hand corner are two quotations from the Book of Revelation and Leonard Cohen's song Everybody Knows. Revelation: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away."
Cohen: "Everybody knows that the boat is leaking; Everybody knows that the captain lied; Everybody got this broken feeling; Like their father or their dog just died."
This painting was part of a show at the Toronto School of Theology in November, 2005.
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