Cautioning Hamas

(ENI) – Leaders of the major Christian churches in the Holy Land have given their support to the results of the Palestinian elections in which Hamas won legislature seats by a landslide.
Hamas provides most social services in Gaza, but it also has a violent terrorist wing and its charter calls for Israel's destruction and the establishment of an Islamic state in all of Israel and the Palestinian territories.
The Christian leaders urged the Islamic group to use the teachings of Jesus as a guide when it takes over the reins of the Palestinian Authority.
They urged Palestinians, to "not let your hearts be troubled or afraid" and to "be strong and stand firm".
Talk by some Hamas leaders of imposing Islamic law (sharia) has heightened concerns. But others have indicated the movement might moderate its positions for the time being as it seeks to set up a government that will not alienate Palestinians who are more liberal or Western nations, which provide the Palestinian Authority with substantial aid.
Some Hamas officials said they hoped to introduce more Islamic laws and customs in the legislature but would not force people to obey them and would therefore not prevent men and women from mixing or ban alcohol.