New St. James, London, ON


Strictly speaking they don’t starve for 30 hours – but that isn’t really the point. The idea of the 30 Hour Famine, held by many youth groups (like this one at New St. James, London, Ont.) is to raise funds for various causes (in this case, the local Make-A-Wish Foundation), to share the gospel, and to develop some empathy for those who suffer perpetual famines around the world. The New St. James gang stenciled the 10 Commandments on their youth group room walls, got lost in a local corn maze and twisted 2,300 pink Christmas bulbs into sockets (in 30 minutes no less!) for the St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation’s “Season of Celebration” campaign. Each of the participants also spent two hours in a wheelchair to gain greater empathy for youth who are receiving medical care.