The Glebe Church Tour


“Minister Wanted, Apply Within”

In October, churches representing seven denominations within the downtown Ottawa Glebe community, organized The Glebe Church Tour, an open house in support of the Emergency Food Centre serving Central Ottawa.

Since St. Giles Presbyterian is currently looking for a new minister, we made this the focus of our tour stop, complete with a “Minister Wanted, Apply Within” sign at the front door.


After viewing the photo gallery of the five ministers who have lead St. Giles in our 80-year history, visitors were shown a map of where our members live. Many were surprised to see that members lived across the city and in fact, come from two provinces.


The next exhibit gave visitors a close up look at the vestments for a minister and pictures of Presbyterian ministers in formal and informal clerical styles.

The sacraments of Baptism and Communion were highlighted. Many visitors were interested in how communion is served in various traditions.

Visitors were invited to the pulpit for readings or to preach (funny, no one took us up on that one).


The clerical job jar was used to show that the minister’s job is much more than preaching on Sunday.

Finally, visitors were offered information on upcoming events at St. Giles and on the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Comments form visitors were very positive. “This was the most interesting and light-hearted tour.” Visitors were interested in the congregation and how we do things as well as the architecture and the stained glass windows.