Intergenerational resources

Dorothy Henderson, associate secretary for Christian education and ministry with children, youth and families, is also a member of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators. She believes strongly in intergenerational programs as a means of promoting education and community, and breaking down barriers and stereotypes. In the Advocate, APCE's quarterly publication, she lists things that churches can do to encourage such learning:

  • establish an intergenerational planning team
  • use a blended or alternative worship service
  • ensure committees represent the various generations present at church
  • plan intergenerational fun events as well as study groups
  • host storytelling events where the generations share stories of growing up

Henderson recommends the following resources:

    Worship Together: Planning and Conducting Intergenerational Worship — a video produced by Dorothy Henderson
    Worship for All Ages: Services for Special Sundays, by Ian MacDonald, Barb Tunnicliffe and Marilyn Perry — a collection of intergenerational worship services
    One Church, Four Generations: Understanding and Reaching All Ages in Your Church, by Gary McIntosh

"B.J. and Emily" puppet plays — by Dorothy Henderson, to be used during worship services. They can be found online in past issues of Equip at