Noting the needs

Let me share our stretcher-bearing story (Stretcher Bearer Ministeries by Michael Slater). The author took time in his congregation to give out postcards so that during the service everyone would write a note to someone they knew, whether in the congregation or not. Then on Monday the cards were posted in the church. Great benefits occurred.
I enjoy writing notes to people in my congregation as an encouragement. I never remember what I've written, but I believe God has been guiding me, as many times I have been told that my note has come at the right moment for them.
I firmly believe this is a ministry from God, one that we all can share in, especially if you are interested in writing notes. I pop them in the folders at church and leave them to be found. Or I mail them to the people who need encouragement. As a good thrifty person, I pay for 100 stamps, charge the church, then give them back their cheque, thus getting my income tax receipt! But then I am free to write to people we are praying for. They too have appreciated it.

About Dorothy Nekrassoff
Nepean, Ont.