Massaging the mission


As convener of the Presbyterian World Service & Development committee, Rev. Karen Horst had the opportunity to reach out to Malawi's AIDS orphans. Malawi has been struck particularly hard with the AIDS pandemic and its destruction affects every layer of society. Children are particularly vulnerable when the adults who normally provide for their security are dead of AIDS. The community of Collingwood and First Presbyterian quickly understood the pressing need and set about preparing a memorable fundraiser.
We called it our Body and Soul Spa for AIDS and we invited countless specialists in our community to donate their time in order that the proceeds from the tickets, which we sold for $100 each, could all go to Africa. In addition, we invited businesses and shops to donate items for a silent auction. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of the people in our community who celebrated the opportunity to volunteer their specialized gifts to help these children in Africa. From naturopath to chiropractor to registered massage therapist to aesthetician, people joined in with great enthusiasm to the point that we had to ask some volunteers to wait until next year since we had no more room for any other treatments.
We raised $11,245 in one day, though it took eight months to organize the event.
And, it was more than just a fundraiser. From setting up a data base for pre-registration to draping the church with elegant fabric and mini-lights, the team spent tireless hours from April until mid-November when the event was held on a Friday night. Many people came to our church that night for the first time and were touched by the deep passion and commitment of members to make a difference in the world. We became an extended family, ministering to a number of our volunteers from the community who faced crises during the preparation time event. So many of the volunteer professionals indicated how this event was a spiritual experience for them because they were able to use their gifts to help people in need. Many of the participants, weary from the regular challenges of daily living, found respite and compassion in the care offered in each treatment. Truly, the Holy Spirit was present in our midst in a mighty way. Every member of the team has already decided that they will do it again this year with our proceeds going to a local shelter for families fleeing domestic violence.
If you wish to know any further details regarding this event and how you might organize such a venture in your own congregation, do not hesitate to contact Rev. Karen Horst at or call First, Collingwood, Ont. at 705-445-4651.