New Evangel Hall opens

John Widdowson, Evangel Hall member, and Rev. Will Ingram sing at the worship service.
John Widdowson, Evangel Hall member, and Rev. Will Ingram sing at the worship service.

Presbyterians and others gathered for the dedication of Evangel Hall's brand new $13-million facility in downtown Toronto on February 5. Construction began in June 2004 and replaces the building the mission had been using since 1913. The new six-storey facility includes 84 low-income housing units, as well as a medical clinic, commercial kitchen, counselling space, expanded thrift store, chapel and wheelchair accessibility. About 50 – 200 people drop in for meals daily, with many more gathering for fellowship, worship, addiction support, community dinners and special outings and activities. All programs started running in the new building in mid-February, with residents moving in by March. About 200 people attended the service at the new drop-in centre.