Thank You

Dear Readers:

Last fall, we asked you to assist the Presbyterian Record in a financial appeal. Your response was overwhelmingly generous, and on behalf of the board and management of the Record, we thank you.

Your support will enable us to continue to publish the Record and bring a Presbyterian perspective to world events and to stories that affect our personal lives. As promised, we are planning to provide greater local, national and international coverage on the issues that matter to you as well as increasing the number of Presbyterian voices in the magazine.

We are also looking at new ways to increase our readership and improve our Web site, which we have noted more and more of you are visiting. Your support has made all of this possible.

We thank you very sincerely and look forward to providing you with a magazine that informs, inspires and connects you.

Rev. Ian Fraser, Convener
David Harris, Editor

P.S. Donations and new subscriptions are welcome throughout the year!