That non-inclusive spiritual

I wasn't going to look inside the March issue once I had seen the exclusive sentence on the front cover. Why would a Christian magazine in the 21st century choose to print boldly the pronoun “His” instead of the word “God's”?
When I shared my dismay with a Presbyterian friend, I heard anger about Michael Coren's column. I said I had stopped reading his column months ago.
As I was pondering the magazine at the kitchen table the next day, four 19-year-olds sat down to eat. I pushed the cartoon in front of them. In a glance they took its message in and said, “That's so anti-Muslim.” I pulled the magazine back to look at it and was ashamed of my denomination.
I've now turned the pages of this issue and I see there are some good news items and stories about Presbyterians and other Christians who are trying to serve God's creation in non-judgmental, inclusive, just and loving ways. It's sad that high profile parts of this issue do not inspire such service.
Ironically, the writer of the first letter in the same issue wants more PCC congregations to join the Every Home Plan; he wants more Presbyterians in our churches to subscribe; more of us to provide adequate support to our national church magazine. However, he does not offer any reason for this except implying that it is an obligation of our membership, a tradition for members to financially support the denomination's magazine, a way to have a sustainable magazine. He says nothing about the magazine's responsibility to members and congregations of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
In the 21st century, there are many other sources of well written, inspiring articles about Christians working with God to bring about God's reign, articles that do not put down or insult me or other people.