Back in the family

Amy MacLachlan recently wrote an article on St. George's Presbyterian Church and our involvement with the AIDS Committee of London. She was prompt in returning emails, listened carefully when conducting interviews and was most professional in her research.
So many people have already responded however with a sense of deep gratitude for being included in the April edition. St. George's opted out of the Every Home Plan some time ago. Then the issue was reviewed in 2005 and we are again members. The quick response to the article about St. George's shows us that people are really reading the Record and appreciating it. It is good to be back “in the family again.”
We hosted Mark Simmons who has been in Ghana with Canadian Crossroads International and the AIDS Committee of London. I was so happy to have the April edition to show him and Peter Hayes, the executive director of ACOL. Peter scanned through the magazine and commented favourably on the way the Record gives good coverage to the work of PWS&D. And as a former parish priest, he was also interested in the church's focus on ministry with the aged.
The April edition is certainly one to be read cover to cover. Amy is to be commended along with the rest of the staff at the Record.

About Rev. Keith McKee
London, Ont.