Living Faith, Baxter, ON


“Hunger Bites – Bite Back” is the motto of this year’s 30 Hour Famine, an annual event organized by World Vision. Some determined members of Living Faith Community Presbyterian Church, Baxter, Ont., took that challenge and participated in the famine, choosing to stop eating for 30 hours to raise awareness and funds for the world’s hungriest people. The “fasters” participated in a number of activities throughout the two-day event including guided discussions about the plight of the hungry in third world countries as well as our own country. These discussions served to raise the group’s awareness about hunger, which plagues so many people. According to statistics made available by World Vision, the number of people in the world who suffer chronic malnutrition is 800 million – 24 times the population of Canada.

The group also created a variety of craft items which will be sold during Living Faith’s upcoming yard sale on May 27th. As the famine was nearing an end, the group went to the construction site of Living Faith’s new church to clean up debris which had gathered throughout the winter months along the side of County Road 21 and to plant seeds at the base of the sign which announces the church’s upcoming construction project. The group hopes to raise about $600.00 to support World Vision. When the 30 hours had come to an end, the group celebrated with a Break-the-Fast feast; however, the group was mindful that they had the choice to break their fast while millions in our world continue to fast through no choice of their own.