
The January article by David Webber, Unexpected, Out of Place, Persistent, describes how I think and about as close as to how I pray, as possible — like a perfect match! That Record is a keeper, but then I've kept every issue for many years.
I was raised attending the Baptist and United churches of Fenelon Falls, Ont., because these were the Protestant denominations of my parents and ne'er did the twain meet. It did mean that being the oldest, I was expected to attend Sunday school at both churches plus a morning and evening service. My younger siblings weren't required to follow suit.
Eventually I married a Presbyterian. There was no possibility that my husband would change his church stripes, even though he wasn't keen on church attendance. I sensed that church must remain an important part of our lives and with gritted teeth, submitted to becoming part of “the dry old Presbyterian Church” (my opinion) in Fenelon Falls. They loved me, appreciating my participation there.
I began to chip away at the prevailing habits of our church, becoming an elder and eventually clerk of session. It was wonderful to work in presbytery, WMS, etc. I wasn't alone in my vision for the church, but we were a minority. Eventually, a time came when I realized that with all of my other responsibilities, I could no longer continue to fight my way upstream — neither could I live with the status quo. We began attending another Presbyterian church. After a few months of assessment, I decided to serve in any capacity where help was needed. I did this quite happily, wanting to be as servant (rather than a servant leader), if this was God's plan.
Life has changed. My husband was diagnosed with incurable cancer in 2004. We sold our home and moved to Bancroft, Ont., in 2005. We did not move to the Arctic as some people imagined, but to the place of God's intention. After five years of praying to this effect, we didn't consider the what if's. We don't know why He engineered this move, but we'll find out.
There are no Presbyterian churches anywhere in the vicinity, but we're experiencing the culture shock of visiting a variety of churches in the area, trusting that we'll settle in the church of God's choice, regardless of denomination.