The best deal in town

Like all other presbyteries, London suffers the same challenges: as membership declines, churches close. Still, three of our churches are busting at the seams and another has hired a half-time minister. As a way to encourage more seam-busting and slow more declining, I have urged presbytery to start an Evangelism (Church Growth) Committee. Why bother with an evangelism committee? Because I believe the love and grace of God, who so loved us that he sent his sinless son to die on the cross so we can have a meaningful relationship with Him, is the best deal in town.

I believe our timing is critical. Folks everywhere are beginning to seek spiritual answers that promotions, prestige, money and consumerism haven't answered. We have a window of opportunity that exists right now!

The battles we face appear endless. Obstacles include contradictory opinions, cynicism, defeatism, fear of change, conflict and avoiding conflict. Each church challenge is unique and there is no magic one-two combination. Diverse realities include rural vs. urban, growing vs. dying communities, contemporary vs. traditional worship, minister vs. laity and minister vs. lay control.

But, great deals are not cheap and they require a lot of effort.