UCC invests in youth

The United Church of Canada is investing $6-8 million on a two-year project that aims to attract new parishioners between the ages of 30 and 45. Emerging Spirits will include internet, television and radio campaigns, support and education for congregations on how to target this age group, and resource teams stationed throughout the country to help congregations in this endeavour.
Phase one, launched last August sought to compile extensive research on 30- to 45-year-olds, helping the church shape its media campaign. Environics Research conducted an online survey, and also included less formal surveys of people on the street. Participants were asked questions pertaining to why they don't go to church, what they are looking for, what is important to them and what they think of the United Church. Many believe in God, but not in traditional ways that churches worship God and don't see the world as black and white. They want their questions about religion to be encouraged, and value inclusiveness and tolerance.
When asked what they believed a church should offer, 77 per cent rated connecting and reaching out, and questioning and embracing, as important. The United Church's emphasis on welcoming people with various sexual and relationship preferences, challenging traditional teachings and overall ideas of openness are things the UCC thinks will appeal to this age group.
Strategies to implement this information for the campaign's second phase are underway and are awaiting final approval at the General Council in August. Most of the multi-million dollar project is being financed by a bequest to the denomination. – AM