Animated letter

Editor notes: The printed version of this magazine arrives in readers' homes a week or so before the first day of the cover month. But, our web version goes live at the first second of the first day of the cover month.
Re Anne Saunders' letter in May. I took a second look at the March cartoon to which she referred. My interpretation of the cartoon is that we all need to have a long look into the mirror of truth and realize how often we exercise these five weapons of mass destruction in our daily speech and actions.
She also mentions exclusive language. A great number of readers have enjoyed an enriching relationship with our fathers, and therefore do enjoy talking to God our Father.
And, if Amy MacLachlan wishes to introduce us to a new word such as animateur, perhaps she could include a glossary at the end of her articles. Our older dictionary was of no help finding out who or what “the remaining 25 per cent would be used to pay.”
I enjoy reading the Record and the variety of food for thought. Keep up the good work.