No Sweat policy adopted

The City of Toronto recently adopted a “no sweatshop” policy and Canadian activists are pushing for other cities to do the same. The No Sweat purchasing policy requires apparel manufacturers who supply Toronto to comply with internationally recognized labour and human rights standards. Vancouver adopted an Ethical Procurement Policy for city apparel, food and coffee last year.
Presbyterian World Service & Development supports this policy and the Maquila Solidarity Network which has long promoted the change. “We endorse the campaigns initiated by Maquila to promote sweat-free purchasing,” Guy Smagghe, program coordinator for Central America and India, told the Record. “We particularly support their efforts to help workers in the south know about their rights and expose abusive working conditions.”
Toronto buys almost $4 million in apparel annually for police, firefighter and transit uniforms, amongst other things. – AM with notes from Maquila Solidarity Network