A woman’s calling

Photo - Sun Media Corp Rev. Shirley M. Jeffery, the first woman to be ordained as a minister of word and sacrament in The Presbyterian Church in Canada, standing in front of Appin Presbyterian Church, in 1968.
Photo - Sun Media Corp Rev. Shirley M. Jeffery, the first woman to be ordained as a minister of word and sacrament in The Presbyterian Church in Canada, standing in front of Appin Presbyterian Church, in 1968.

All women members of the church should accept the responsibility and be given the opportunity of serving Jesus Christ and their fellow human beings in all areas and occupations of life as the members of his body. This in turn should be the example to the world of how women should be accepted in all spheres of activity.
– Study paper on the role of women in the church, 1964

Cutting to the core of identity
This anniversary marks great struggles and wondrous blessings
by J. Dorcas Gordon
Convinced of the call
Women need not utter any apologies
by Rebekah Mitchell
Christ calls all to discipleship
Women’s ordination is resolved; now it’s time for other cries to be heard
by Marjorie Ross