AIDS awareness needed

The Canadian Council of Churches passed its Invitation Regarding HIV/AIDS in May, asking member churches to:

  • shun all prejudice toward people with HIV
  • root out social stigma and discrimination against all people living with HIV/AIDS
  • support all who dedicate themselves to caring for people living with HIV and AIDS
  • promote all kinds of appropriate behaviours that prevent the spread of the virus
  • work to make lifesaving medicines accessible to all who need them
  • work to cancel the debt of countries with high prevalence of HIV rates (recognizing that poor economic circumstances are a powerful determinant in the quality of life of an HIV patient)

“The PCC was very happy to endorse this statement,” said Rev. Stephen Kendall, the Presbyterian Church’s principal clerk and member of the CCC’s board. “It shows many diverse churches speaking with one voice about HIV/AIDS and the need for compassion toward all those who are affected.”
A major international conference on HIV/AIDS was held in Toronto in August, and the Presbyterian Church was involved. A report will follow in a later issue of the Record.