New staff and new programs at LMA

The Office of the Life and Mission Agency is undergoing some restructuring thanks to new programs, a new focus on communications and the increased workload at Presbyterian World Service & Development resulting from the tsunami appeal, Hurricane Katrina and the Pakistan earthquake. To accommodate three new staff persons, the national offices are being revamped and reconfigured.
“The great support that Canadian Presbyterians have given to PWS&D has also enabled us to receive increased support from federal and provincial governments and to work cooperatively with other churches and agencies,” said Rev. Rick Fee, general secretary of the LMA. “We have embarked on significant projects that require staff to ensure accountability and transparency and the ability to communicate back to church members.”
Changes are as follows:

  • Ken Kim began his work as the new director of PWS&D on Aug. 1st.
  • Alexander MacDonald
    Alexander MacDonald
  • Alexander Macdonald has been hired as a program assistant in communications for PWS&D.
  • John Popiel first arrived to cover Bella Lam’s maternity leave. He will now coordinate programs in the Americas and Eastern Europe for PWS&D.
  • A Healing and Reconciliation Animator (see May 2006 Record) was yet to be hired at press time, but the name was to be announced by early August. He/she will be working with congregations, national staff, local church groups, ecumenical partners and aboriginal organizations to further the aims of the healing and reconciliation initiative.

“Christianity is about communication. God’s word started it all. The great commission was that people were to go forth in word and in action. We have a great message to get out there,” Fee said. “Over the next while, the LMA will be working with all departments to know how best we might ensure this communication is done effectively. It involves a great deal of cooperation and sharing ideas.” – AM