Seeking identity and voice

'We are all accepted with a smile by a God who loves us.'
'We are all accepted with a smile by a God who loves us.'

A man had seven sons and one day when he was very old and felt his time was at an end, he called his seven sons to him. He handed a stick to his eldest son and asked him to break it, which his son did with ease. He then handed two sticks to the youngest son. This son was asked to do the same and he broke the sticks in half with some effort. He then brought out a bundle of seven sticks tied together with twine and he asked if any of them could break the bundle. Each son took a turn but none of them could muster the strength to perform the task. Their father smiled and asked them to sit at his feet. The old man then said, “and so it is to be with you. On your own you can be easily broken but together you will be able to withstand anything.”
This parable encompasses for me everything that Canada Youth represents and upholds. As the man gathered his sons, so this conference brought together youth, young adults and adults (the people of God) from across Canada. The old man’s purpose was to teach and invest in his sons and CY is a place for youth and the church to share, learn and grow in faith. Young and old are challenged as the sons were and whether we succeed or fail, we are all accepted with a smile by a God who loves us. Yet for me, the greatest symbolism is contained in the bundle of sticks tied together. It is a symbol of community, bound with the love of God. Canada Youth is a place for youth who feel isolated and misunderstood in their communities, including the communities of faith, to realize they are not alone but are a part of something vibrant and alive. It gives them an identity and voice which is greater than their own. It is at Canada Youth that youth can feel connected to the Church and to their God. The passion and excitement of Canada Youth is a shining example of what the church can do and strives to be.

Reuben St. Louis
Reuben St. Louis

My hope is that as we take a lesson from this simple parable that we will also take a lesson from the spirit of Canada Youth. Our youth are not a lost cause but a God-led force with the potential to move mountains and shake the very foundations of the church. Therefore, we need to continue to generously invest in the younger generations because I guarantee that in the future we will reap what we sow. However, do not think that I believe that youth are the future of the church. They are the church now along with children, adults and seniors. So let the wider church join with them in celebration, ministry and in community, bound with the love of our Creator and Redeemer. Amen.