Eighty is the new 18

I'm a single female, 83, with degrees, have worked in an office, been involved in the education system (whether I taught anyone is for them to say) at various levels, was a member of the Social Assistance Review Board; Presbyterian born and raised, stayed away from church and do not attend regularly now.
So here it is: Andrew Faiz in September suggested that youth be Christ-like. What was Jesus really like? Who was he? Do we really know? Recently one of our ministers and I discussed this somewhat. I had asked the questions: Who was Jesus, anyway? Do we really know? Whither Christianity? My reading over the past several years has led me to ask these questions. Do we have the straight story? Did Christianity go off the rails in the second century?—c.f., Elaine Pagels' Beyond Belief
I came across this quote recently: “I respect faith but doubt is what gets you an education.” I think we have romanticized the Jesus story almost beyond belief. I enjoyed Faiz's Christmas column in which he refers to “the kid born in a barn.” That brings it back down to earth.
The long and short of it: Thank you for this article and others. You give us another way of viewing things, and sometimes even make us get up and respond.

About G. Jean Elliott
Guelph, Ont.